
Lučka biciklijada 2022.

On Saturday, the 15th of October 2022, kids from the Osnovna škola in Lučac hopped on their bikes for the fourth year in a row and collected money for charity. Lučka biciklijada is a bicycle race for kids where skillfulness is more important than velocity and it is a fun way for kids to do something good.

At seven A.M., Klara and me started the preparations in the schoolyard together with many local volunteers. Not only the parkour had to be set up, but also booths with refreshment, snacks, first aid, goodies and of course a fun corner! Then, more and more kids arrived with their parents and bikes and soon the first kids tried their best in managing the parkour without making mistakes. This bicycle race is never about speed but about skillfulness and coordination. Four different groups, starting with the youngest, had to make their way through the parkour with the littlest amount of mistakes possible.

Lučka biciklijada does not only take place to amuse the kids but also to raise money. Each year, there is another organisation that gets donations and financial support from the outcomes of selling the T-Shirts, bags, umbrellas, and so on. This year Udruga Srce was invited, an association that works with people with Cerebral Palsy in Split. Our guests from Udruga Srce and the kids cheered for every participant and made this event a success!


Lena Matuschik



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