
What do you know about Austria?

Every Wednesday, there are English classes (in different levels) for our elderly in the Golden Age Centre. Last time, I told one of the groups a little bit about my home country Austria and it was an interesting and interactive session.

I prepared a presentation and told them all about what Austria is known for.

First of all, Austria`s Cuisine, which consists typically of Wiener Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn mit Apfelmus, Sachertorte, Kuerbiskernoel, and so on. We also have traditional clothing which is called „Tracht“.

Women wear „Dirndl“ and men „Lederhosn“. The ladies already knew a lot, for example famous people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and beautiful places like Vienna, Salzburg and das Salzkammergut. They were participating activly, asked many questions and told me something about their stays in Austria.

Altogether, it was a very nice afternoon and interesting for me such as for our seniors!

Lena Matuschik

prezentacija Austrija 1

prezentacija Austrija 5

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